It’s fair to say the RP2040 from Raspberry Pi has swept through the makerverse and become a solid and affordable microcontroller for lots of projects.The chip itself is finding its way onto many independent development board designs, which are getting smaller and smaller.The RP2040 Zero from Waveshare is a variant of an RP2040 board that is so compact it lends itself well to wearable projects.
It’s great to see this fabulous little collection of RP2040 Zero wearable cases and mounts appear here on Tindie.The project creator suggests that these are “nothing fancy” and that you could probably make your own; however, this isn’t easy for those without access to a laser cutter.The upper and lower sections of the cases are laser cut from 1mm microply.
The upper panel has two cutout sections which, combined with the flex in the thin ply, form button covers for tactile buttons.There is also a small hole which aligns with the RP2040 Zero onboard LED.Between the upper and lower plywood parts, there is a plastic spacer forming the walls of the cases and also creating the wrist mount loops in the pictured option.
There are other options, however.A plain standalone case is available, as well as a case with wings on the rear cover and screw holes for mounting onto your project.If you have the tools, you might want to create your own case — but if not you might consider one of these well thought out, affordable cases.
It might save you a few valuable hours that you can assign to other parts of your RP2040 Zero project!
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