Adapted from the manga of the same name, the show follows a devoted solo camper’s accidental encounter with a total novice that evolves into an unusual partnership; debuts this July.
An anime series adaptation of the manga “Solo Camping For Two,” created by Yudai Debata, is officially set to debut this July.The manga has also inspired a live-action drama adaptation, which premiered January 9 on TOKYO MX.
follows Gen Kinokura, a devoted solo camper who treasures his solitude.During one of his usual camping trips, he unexpectedly crosses paths with Shizuku Kusano, a total camping novice.What starts as an accidental encounter evolves into an unusual partnership.
The series voice cast includes Daiki Hamano as Gen Kinokura and Mizuki Niizaki as Shizuku Kusano.Jun Hatori directs from a screenplay by Ayaka Satsuki.Mitsuho Seta and Oka Tanizaki also act as writers.
Animation production is by SynergySP.Check out the teaser trailer now:
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