The prequel series to Natsuhiko Kyogoku’s renowned ‘Hyakki Yako’ novels, based on an original spin-off manga illustrated by Aki Shimizu, follows a student, her new literature teacher, and much supernatural drama.
The upcoming anime series is now set to air in April.The series serves as a prequel to Natsuhiko Kyogoku’s renowned “Hyakki Yako” novel series, based on an original spin-off manga illustrated by Aki Shimizu.
The story follows Kanna Kusakabe, a female student who encounters Akihiko Chuzenji, a newly appointed literature teacher.Together, they face a series of supernatural incidents in a school setting, creating a unique blend of youthful drama and supernatural mystery.Shinnosuke Tachibana voices Reijiro Enokizu, alongside Shuya Nishiji as Takumi Sekiguchi; Takanori Hoshino as Shutaro Kiba; Katsuyuki Konishi as Akihiko Chuzenji; and Kaori Maeda as Kanna Kusakabe.
Chihiro Kumano directs the series from a script by Hanzo Tamura and animation composition by Atsushi Oka.100sudio animates.Check out the teaser trailer now:
Journalist, antique shop owner, aspiring gemologist—L'Wren brings a diverse perspective to animation, where every frame reflects her varied passions.
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