(3DPrint.com PRO is available only to subscribers) China’s 3D printing sector saw a striking shift in 2024.According to data from Nanjixiong, total additive manufacturing (AM) funding in China dropped nearly 50% from the previous year, settling at around $530 million across 32 deals.This figure contrasts with the roughly $3.4 billion raised by 3D printing ventures outside China—an impressive sum even after excluding enormous engineering acquisitions such as Synopsys’s $35 billion bid for Ansys, IDEX’s $1 billion move on Mott, and Siemens’s $10.6 billion attempt to acquire Altair Engineering.
2024 China AM Market in Focus For more than a decade, China’s 3D printing ecosystem has grown on the back of state-led initiatives, deep manufacturing know-how, and robust industrial demand.In 2023, AM startups achieved a record Subscribe to read the remaining PRO Analysis.Subscribe Already a subscriber? You are set to receive premium content directly to your inbox twice a month.