Return to the land of Ooo with the ongoing series of adventures featuring Finn, Jake, Marceline, and Princess Bubblegum created by the likes of Nick Winn (‘Bloody Mary’), 2024 Eisner Award winner Caroline Cash (‘PeePee PooPoo’), and Asia Simone (‘Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: Wreck and Roll’).
Oni Press, the multiple Eisner and Harvey award-winning publisher of comic books and graphic novels, has just announced “Adventure Time #1,” the first issue of a new monthly series, debuts in April. In partnership with Warner Bros.
Discovery Global Consumer Products (WBDGCP) and Cartoon Network, Oni is kicking off a “fantastic new era of epic adventure” for Finn, Jake, Marceline, Princess Bubblegum, and the cast of thousands that call Ooo home.The new series comes courtesy of a rotating cast of cutting-edge creative talents across its first year including acclaimed cartoonist and animator Nick Winn (“Bloody Mary”); 2024 Eisner Award winner Caroline Cash (“PeePee PooPoo”); Asia Simone (“Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: Wreck and Roll”; Jorge Monlongo (“Over the Garden Wall: Hallow Town”; Brenda Hicke (“My Little Pony”; and former Adventure Time writer/storyboard artist and 2024 LA Times Book Prize Finalist Derek Ballard (“Cartoonshow”).Beginning with part one of the all-new story arc “Best of Buds” by cartoonist Nick Winn in April 2025, Oni’s all-new “Adventure Time #1” will kick off in “whimsical force as it rushes headlong into an unexpected new quest for Finn the Human and Jake the Dog that will bring new challenges, new creatures, and a brand-new princess crashing into their path.” “ was such a huge part of me growing up,” said series writer and artist Nick Winn.
“Not only was it hilarious, but it had such an emotional intelligence that very few shows could pull off back then.Being able to revisit the land of Ooo through Oni Press has really been such a joy and a challenge to build something new while still keeping the energy and charm the show cast on me in middle school!” “We’re thrilled to welcome readers back to distant lands with all new adventures featuring their favorite characters”, said series editor Megan Brown.“The land of Ooo has long been home to some of the most radically unique comics, and we’re excited to add to their rich legacy with an incredible creative team crafting a story that is full of friendship, heart, and wild new challenges for Finn & Jake to overcome.
‘Best of Buds is the perfect jumping-off point for new readers - and a return to form for old friends!”
“Adventure Time #1” is written by Nick Winn with Derek Ballard, with art by Winn and Ballard, with Cover A by Winn, Cover B by David Nakayama, and Cover C by Trung Le Nguyen.ON SALE APRIL 9, 2025 | $4.99 | 32 PAGES | FC
IOC: 2/27/2025
FOC: 3/17/2025
Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.
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