The animated series, which follows the adventures of two seemingly typical teens with secret identities, debuts January 25 in the U.S.on Disney Channel and Disney XD with episodes airing in simulcast at 11am ET/PT.
Season 6 is set to premiere January 25 in the U.S.
on Disney Channel and Disney XD with episodes airing in simulcast at 11am ET/PT, according to .The animated series follows the adventures of Marinette and Adrien, two seemingly typical teens with secret identities who magically transform into superheroes Ladybug and Cat Noir.Season 6 finds the superheroes facing a new and skillful enemy.
Meanwhile, their alter egos have never been closer but are still keeping secrets from each other.Set in a revitalized, eco-friendly Paris, the heroes are about to experience a school year full of emotions and revelations.The upcoming season is created using Unreal Engine and features updated character designs.
Disney Branded Television produces in collaboration with Brazil’s Globosat, Italy’s KidsMe, and France’s TF1.
Journalist, antique shop owner, aspiring gemologist—L'Wren brings a diverse perspective to animation, where every frame reflects her varied passions.
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