The first 10 episodes of the animated series, which follows the adventures of a quirky character who teaches kids problem-solving and social skills, are now streaming on multiple South Korean platforms.
Animotion Media Group has partnered with South Korean distribution company CMNIX for the launch of the animated series in South Korea.“We are excited to collaborate with Animotion Media Group to bring such a delightful and educational series to South Korean audiences,” said Inho Jeong, International sales representative at CMNIX.
“ aligns perfectly with our mission to provide engaging content that resonates with children and families alike.” The series follows the adventures of Beardy Bodo, a quirky, fun-loving character whose curiosity and clever antics often lead to unforgettable escapades.Despite his inability to count or read, Beardy Bodo teaches kids everything from problem-solving to social skills in an entertaining and engaging way.The first 10 episodes are now available across multiple leading platforms in South Korea, including WAVVE, WATCHA, CINEFOX, Skylife, and LG U+.
“CMNIX's expertise has been invaluable in bringing to this vibrant market,” added Valeria Korotina, VP, Chief Commercial Officer at Animotion Media Group.“We’re thrilled to see the series connect with South Korean viewers.”
Journalist, antique shop owner, aspiring gemologist—L'Wren brings a diverse perspective to animation, where every frame reflects her varied passions.
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