The faith-based animated series from ‘VeggieTales’ co-creator Mike Nawrocki will debut February 14 exclusively on the streaming platform.
Minno has announced that the animated series will premiere exclusively on the streaming platform on February 14.Created by Mike Nawrocki (), and produced by Steve Taylor, the project features contributions from animator Tom Bancroft (, , ).
“Since my last episode 10 years ago, it's been a dream to create another fun, faith-filled series for families,” said Nawrocki.“ builds on the legacy by introducing a new cast of characters to this generation of kids and families.Partnering with New Zealand's Mukpuddy Animation Studio along with faculty mentors and top tier animation students at Lipscomb University's Imagine House productions has brought an incredible level of artistry to this project.” Based on the book series published by Tyndale, follows the adventures of Merle and Pearl, a pair of squirrels who have been petrified in sea salt and stuck in a Dead Sea cave for 2,000 years.
After 10-year-old Michael smuggles them home from his dad's archeological dig, the pair wake up and are ready to dive into the 21st century.The voice cast includes Nawrocki (’ “Larry the Cucumber”) with guest appearances from Phil Vischer (’ “Bob the Tomato”), Duncan Phillips, and Beth Moore, plus original songs featuring Christian recording artists Matthew West, MercyMe's Bart Millard, Ellie Holcomb, and many others.Check out the sneak peek trailer now:
Journalist, antique shop owner, aspiring gemologist—L'Wren brings a diverse perspective to animation, where every frame reflects her varied passions.
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