Don’t ask the brand, these came with a box from a friend – but it turns out the box was completely wrong including stating the wall switch (UK size) was MOES brand, Zigbee – it’s not the latter – it’s WIFI + BT for setup.The DS101JL device hooks up to the Smartlife APP (and Tuya as they are more or less the same) and it takes seconds to set up – no big deal then, a triple smart switch – but here’s the thing: neutral is optional.How many times have I received such switches as samples only to find they need neutral, something you don’t often find in UK wall switch openings.
The panel is flat with a glass front – solid – but not IMPOSSIBLE to scratch as I found out – the 3 round areas can be touched to turn lights on and off – or you can use the APP.Here’s the thing, when a light is on, it’s switch round area glows blue.When it is OFF, the round area (optionally) glows a very DIM red, just enough to see in the dark.
The WIFI indicator top left only shows up on connection.So whats the big deal? This unbranded switch has lots going for it – including no neutral needed – that backlight and flawless operation, BUT thsre is a cost to this neutral-less operation.I found I had to have at least 13w load (not necessarily all in one lamp) for reliable operation as the switch and it’s dim red indicators run on current flowing through the light(s) when turned OFF.
600W maximum load which is ok.Below 13w load, I found the switch worked erratically if at all.For testing without a load, I used the neutral, normally you’d hook LIVE to the input, live to your lamp as usual and the other side of the lamp would be wired to L1, L2 or L3.
Really – the unit works well – and also magically appeared in Home Assistant when I checked.You have timers, schedules and an auto-time-out mode as well as being able to turn that red backlight on and off.You also have ALL-ON and ALL-OFF buttons in the Smartlife APP.
This device COULD be MOES but I’m not 100% certain – however a quick look for DS101JL on AliExpress or similar should produce results.This device is designed for 220-240v, 50-60hz.I’m sure there will be a USA equivalent.